I took a break in posting images so this one will include many days and hikes! I hope you enjoy.

I took a break in posting images so this one will include many days and hikes! I hope you enjoy.
Walking along the Santa Fe River today. Thinking about all the people who are suffering right now.
Beautiful Day for a hike! Christmas Eve and I am up at 8,000 feet, the trail was icy coming down but going up was an easy climb. Here are some Panoramic Images.
I took a drive out to Lamy today and enjoyed seeing a hand built version of Buckminster Fuller’s Geodesic dome used as a greenhouse by friends Christa and Jon in Lamy. I used to work very close to here and always loved driving by this small volcanic cones. They have fig trees, big artichoke plants, and good greens in there along with a water tank for a few fish! I need to look up these furry cactus I think the one Christa is holding is a Peruvian Apple Cactus. I also included some views of the Galisteo Basin.
The plaza is lit for the holiday season. It snowed today so I thought it would be a good night to photograph. So nice to see this public space lit up giving everyone the beauty of tree shapes in the dark and seeing people, families enjoying it all! Happy Hanukkah Everyone!
Some quail were in my yard this morning and I managed to photograph them with a 100mm lens. They move around in small groups and fly when necessary. I hear little peeps coming from them as they run around from yard to yards. What a gift!
The absolute shut down lifted so I felt it would be ok to take a road trip. Here are some photos one of the Earthship home designed and built in teams directed by Michael Reynolds. And some images of Taos Bridge and the Rio Grande from Taos Bridge and a stop in one place on the way for a delicious outside scone and coffee on the high road. Thanks to Linda for making everything possible and posing for the photo, she is in the far left of the panoramic shot of the bridge.
Here are some things I am looking at and enjoying! Sorry to be a little lazy about the writing. Enjoy!
I am more than a little fixated on this head gate. This one looks like it does not have any function at all without any water to control. Maybe there is a channel under the cement that sometimes flows and needs to be cut off. Aside from metaphor and function I am drawn to the shape and size of this object.
We have snow!this morning! A beautiful coating of white has transformed and unified all the backyards of the neighborhood. It is a blessing to have any moisture here in the high desert, snow is welcome. I hiked a little late in the day yesterday with Linda and saw the weather coming.
I am so enjoying watching birds here and learning about which ones migrate to the North East and which stay here full time. Several red breasted nuthatchs were hoping around the large conifers on a hike I took on Thanksgiving day. The bird calls stopped me in my tracks on the hike, captivating little birds! Here are a few shots from the hike. Sorry I do not have one of the birds! It was a beautiful sunny day with fresh crisp mountain air. It is so nice to get some height and perhaps perspective in these days.
Red breasted nut hatch, a photo taken by Joe
It snowed here last night and I woke up to see the desert transformed by a delicate white covering, but by morning it was gone only sticking the mountain due north and up a few thousand feet. There is a lot of people walking the bike trail nearby where I am staying. They wear masks and usually walk dogs greeting me with friendly hellos! I found these spiky pods that I think belong to gourds. Some scenes from the last couple of days.
Met some wonderful people during the covid shut down, here are Stuart and Jenn. They are on their way back to the Bay area after touring New Mexico in their Subaru and Casita. Originally they are from the UK so they both have a lovely British accent! Stuart was shooting film in a Bronica and I am looking forward to seeing his work. We had a stimulating talk about photography during a hike. They are a great highlight of my time here, It is Jenn who led me to the labrynth. They are both are dear ones. Wishing them happy trails and more adventures!
I am getting some guidance from walking meditations. Here are some images of a labrynth a wonderful vehicle and morning destination that helps get me into a reflective place.
Mud Day
my first post response! Mud Day: A Day of Unity
August 16th, 1998
Sponsored by the InterFaith Council of Santa Fe
this labyrinth was constructed by the hands of
people from many traditions
it is a symbol of unity and community
inwardly walking the ancient path
one may experience peace and serenity
By returning along the same path bring the
peace and serenity out into the world.
We will be going into Shut Down this Monday because of spikes in the virus. https://www.governor.state.nm.us/2020/11/13/n-m-hits-reset-re-enacting-most-heightened-level-of-statewide-public-health-restrictions/
rain clouds bring some snow into the mountains
This is a new blog because my wordpress is now unavailable and they will not let me have access. So, I am using the blog option in Squarespace in the hopes it will be better.
I have been listening to the sound of the song birds as winter turns in toward us. I am up in the Rockys and I am trying to determine which finches, and sparrows are in Santa Fe year-round and which ones are passing through like me.
soundscape Santa Fe
#santa fe river